Quiet Time


Day in and day out, empty words fill the air from bodies made of flesh and bones;

skin varying in pigment;

Voices traveling high and low through the distance.


Time embraces the sounds of calamity while nature stays humble and enjoys the rustling of green things brought in by the breeze.


Having silence is key to surviving.

Listening to the sound of nothing is devastatingly calming.

Talking to ones’ self is mental spice worthy of tasting.


The rush;

The hustle and bustle;

That annoying ring of everything moving too quickly,

It bothers me.


When you speak

What do you hear coming out from your being?

What do your words even mean?

Is it Spirit driven or,

is it just noise?

Do you talk only to fill a void?


The hourglass of each and every life is set to expire without consent.



It’s time to sit and find yourself, through the silence.  

(Robin Miley -1/23/14)

About rcmileyluv

I'm a Libra. I constantly weigh both sides of the spectrum for every situation. This dynamic mindset helps me creatively because it enables my thought process to think outside the box. For me, the main drive in life is my focus on God and continuously growing my relationship with Him. This world means nothing without our Lord. I choose to give our Creator all the credit for my talents and passions. Thanks for reading and I hope you enjoy my posts! God bless. ~RCM

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